Meet the Cast of The Wizard of Oz
We interviewed the cast of The Wizard of Oz ahead of their first performance to find out about their roles, what they love about rehearsals and their favourite moments in the play.
13 May 2022
#Special Feature #Performing Arts
Tell us about your role. Who do you play? Did you enjoy it? And was it the character you wanted?
Kai: I am the Scarecrow, I really enjoy the role and I am proud to be one of the main characters. My favourite part of the story has to be when the flying monkeys rip me apart, it is a really dramatic moment.
Lucilla: I play Dorothy and enjoy it a lot, it was the character I wanted and when I found out, I was really happy.
Annie: I didn’t want any particular role, but I was happy when I got a lead role, which was the Tin Man. I really enjoy it and I really like the scene where we go on the quest and we go through the haunted forest.
Ansh: I’m the lion, it’s a fun part to play. I wanted a lead role so I was really pleased when we got cast.
Did you know the story of The Wizard of Oz before the play? If so, what is your favourite part of the story?
Lucilla: I did know it. I love the start.
Annie: I vaguely knew of the play and storyline, my favourite bit is probably the haunted forest
Ansh: I didn’t know the story, but I watched the film when we started rehearsals which helped me to understand the plot. My favourite moment is when all of us get to the Wizard of Oz.
Kai: Yes, I did know the story of The Wizard of Oz. My dad made a little puppet play for me to show me the story. My favourite part of the story was when the Scarecrow is directing Dorothy and she is very confused as he was pointing in different directions.
What has been your best memory of rehearsal to date?
Ansh: Probably when we have made mistakes and we learn from them, we would always have a laugh about it.
Annie: Fridays – The Tin Man Club, we would all rehearse together and it was fun, we are all good friends so it was an enjoyable and positive rehearsal time.
Kai: When we all get together and rehearse as the whole group, it’s fun to see everyone else’s scenes and we get on well.
What are you looking forward to the most about opening night?
Lucilla: The end because we will have a sense of relief. And hopefully, it will all go really well.
Annie: We all have some funny moments so I would just like to see nice smiles and laughs and a nice bright spirit from the audience.
Kai: I’m looking forward to when I come on and see the audience for the first time but also the end because of all the clapping, we all get to do the bowing, and everybody is proud of us.
How much do you practice at home?
Kai: I practice a lot, about an hour most nights, as I like to run through the whole play.
Lucilla: I spent three hours on the first scene and then about the same on my other parts. It has been very tiring.
Annie: I normally practice each night after I do my homework, I try to go all the way through and practice the songs.
Ansh: I practise most days after my homework.
Will you take part in future productions?
Kai: Yes, definitely. Because acting is my dream job.
Lucilla: Definitely. I love acting and I love how I get to blend into a character so I learn more about their feelings and emotions.
Annie: I really enjoy acting, as I am a very dramatic and fun person. I just love acting so I would really like to do that.
Anch: I definitely would like to because it’s so much fun and such a good learning experience, it gives us more skills than in lessons.