Our children wear their iconic red and green uniforms with pride. Ordering Hallfield uniform is done online and made really easy through our official supplier, Perry.
Perry Uniform Measuring TapeUNIFORM LIST
Nearly New Uniform Shop
We sell a range of quality, pre-owned school uniform items for the whole school. The Nearly New Uniform Shop is opposite Hallfield First Nursery.
Term time opening hours:
- Tuesday – 08:30 to 10:00
- Friday – 15:00 to 15:50
It might be possible to purchase uniform at other times by prior arrangement. Please contact Front Office – 0121 454 1496 | office@hallfieldschool.co.uk

Labelling your uniform
All articles (clothing, towels etc.) must be clearly marked with your child’s name using a robust, wash resistant clothing label or tape
Shoes and trainers must be clearly labelled.
Clothing bought at the Nearly New Uniform Shop must be re-labelled and the previous name removed.
To help busy parents our uniform stockist Perry offers a name tape sew-in service where parents can request personalised name tapes are sewn into uniform items at the time of ordering. Prices for this start from £19 for 1-19 items, £41 for 20-39 items and £52 for 40+ items.
If parents wish to name tape their child’s uniform themselves, Perry also offers a pack of 72 name tapes for £9.
A pack of 56 shoe bag stickers can also be purchased from Perry for £9.
Label options are available to select on the Perry website when ordering your uniform.
Cricket uniform
We have partnered with Grays Teamsports to provide you with cost effective, branded cricket uniform for Hallfield School.
Please click on the button below to purchase from the Hallfield dedicated page on the Grays Teamsports website. We are offering parents an early bird 10% discount using the code: A_EARLYBIRD-24_10
You can also purchase other cricketing equipment at reasonable prices. Just enter the code A_HALLFIELD20 when ordering for a 20% discount.