Meet the team

A passion for education

Senior Leadership Team

Keith B Morrow

Keith B Morrow

Head Master
Bhavesh Patel

Bhavesh Patel

Director of Finance and Operations
Lizzie Sanderson

Lizzie Sanderson

Deputy Head: Head of Pre-Prep and Nursery, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Clare Florida-James

Clare Florida-James

Deputy Head: Head of Prep, Deputy DSL
Natasha Woollhead

Natasha Woollhead

Assistant Head (Welfare, Pastoral & Learning Support), Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Simon Bedford

Simon Bedford

Assistant Head (Teaching, Learning & Curriculum), Head of Seniors
Caitlin Williams

Caitlin Williams

Head of Phase (Foundation to Year 1), Assistant Head (Head of EYFS), Deputy DSL
Emily Cook

Emily Cook

Director of Marketing and Communications
Adam Edwards

Adam Edwards

Director of Estates and Facilities
Caroline Long

Caroline Long

HR Manager
Helen Surr

Helen Surr

Head Master's PA
Ginny Morrow

Ginny Morrow

Heads of Phase

Simon Bedford

Simon Bedford

Assistant Head (Teaching, Learning & Curriculum), Head of Seniors
Caitlin Williams

Caitlin Williams

Head of Phase (Foundation to Year 1), Assistant Head (Head of EYFS), Deputy DSL
Charlotte Patel

Charlotte Patel

Phase Leader Years 2 to 4
Daniel Lowe

Daniel Lowe

Head of Phase (Year 5 & 6)

All staff