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Meet the cast of Alice in Wonderland

We interviewed the cast of Alice in Wonderland to find out about their roles, why they enjoy drama and how they feel about opening night.


25 February 2022


#Performing Arts


#Seniors #Prep

Meet the cast of Alice in Wonderland


How did you find the audition process for Alice in Wonderland?

Anthony: It wasn’t your typical audition process, Mr. Woollhead approached us in a drama lesson and suggested we take part, everyone who wanted to get a part got one.

Jama: We had to recite a poem or a piece of writing of our choice.

Isha: We were encouraged to express what part we wanted before completing the workshop. It was nice to have this say.

Tell us about your role?

Jama: Humpty Dumpty, he’s a fun character to play, he has comedic elements to him which make it light-hearted. My main scene is with Alice.

Anthony: The Mad Hatter, he is a wacky person, it’s an interesting role to play, you have to try hard to embody his quirky character!

Were you interested in drama before this production?

Laween: Yes. I enjoy writing scripts with my friends and acting them out. I am really interested in drama, and enjoy watching movies and plays. Acting makes me feel empowered.

Isha: I like it, I don’t really mind what script it is, I just like being part of a play. It makes me feel happy!

Aaviya: I like drama so much that on Christmas, my brother, my sister and me did a Christmas play with dancing for our parents.  I wrote the script, my brother was in charge of costumes. I have been thinking of joining a drama club outside of school because I love it so much.

What has been your favourite part of rehearsing so far?

Anthony: Getting to rehearse with my friends, there are lots of inside jokes and I have lots of fun. Everyone is supportive.

Jama: Some of the scenes are really enjoyable to be in or to watch. We learn a lot from each other.  

How have you found rehearsals? Was it difficult to manage the workload?

Aaviya: It has been strict, but enjoyable. We only had to show up if we were needed. It has taught me to be organised and manage my timetable, as rehearsals were not consistent.

Isha: It has been so much fun! I got to perform with all of my friends. I will be really sad when it’s over.


Do you feel brave enough to try presenting your lines differently?

Anthony: Yes, we haven’t always stuck to the script and sometimes we’ve improvised.

What do you think about Mr Woollhead?

Anthony: He’s great at motivating people.

Jama: Mr Woollhead is encouraging, he inspires us to become our characters. He tells us to go off the script sometimes and to just feel like you’re the character not just act like the character.

Arvia: He has unusual ways of doing things like how he has directed the scenes and the way he conducted auditions. I like it!

What are you looking forward to most about the performance night?

Jama: Performing in front of a real audience. We’ve only rehearsed in front of cast members. It will be fun to see the finished result.

Aaviya: I’m looking forward to how the audience will react when they see the performance, also, I’m looking forward to seeing everybody’s costumes.

Isha: It’s a big production with a large cast and with a new teacher. I am really excited about how other people are going to act, seeing how the cast change with each scene change will work, the set – the changing trees and the audience’s reaction. There is humour in parts of the play and I am nervous to see if the audience will laugh or not.

Laween: I think I am most excited to see what the audience thinks about our acting. I just want to see how well I can perform in front of many people. I only have experience of performing in front of my classmates.


  • Aaviya, Year 6 – Alice
  • Isha Year 6 – Alice
  • Laween, Year 6 – Mad Hatter
  • Anthony, Year 7 – Mad Hatter
  • Jama, Year 7  – Humpty Dumpty

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