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Hallfield Shooting Team – 1960

Thank you to Old Hallfieldian James Thacker (1954-60) for sharing this one of a kind photo of the Hallfield Shooting Team. James…


23 June 2021




#Whole school

Hallfield Shooting Team – 1960


Thank you to Old Hallfieldian James Thacker (1954-60) for sharing this one of a kind photo of the Hallfield Shooting Team. James is pictured in the centre of the middle row. A popular sport, particularly in the late 1950s, it was held twice a week in mid-morning break, with extra practice sessions scheduled when competitions were approaching. It was run enthusiastically by John Bye (nicknamed Bisley Bye as Bisley is the National centre of rifle shooting).

This photo was taken after the boys won the St David’s Shield for air rifle shooting, a national event open to all Prep Schools, in 1960. Hallfield never won it again, and when the old gym was rebuilt, shooting as a sport fizzled out.

Are you one of the Old Hallfieldians featured in the photo? James is in touch with some of them but would like to track down Alan Meekings, Nick Lacy-Hulbert, David Raeburn and John Reynolds. Do contact us if you can help – kdepolo@hallfieldschool.co.uk


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